
Yallow Hotel - a beautiful hotel in the heart of the Iranian desert

Yallow Hotel - a beautiful hotel in the heart of the Iranian desert

The meaning of yellow

Yallow Hotel - a beautiful hotel in the heart of the Iranian desert

Yazdelan is a village in  district,  village in Aran and Bidgol counties, six kilometers from Abuzidabad and about 30 kilometers southeast of Kashan. The population of Yazdelan is less than 400 people. The first language of the people of Yazdelan is the dialect of Bizuzi, which is the language of the people of Abu Zidabad. The name of this village in the language is “Yaloo". Yaloo in the language of Bizuz means Yalan or champion.
about us

Yallow Hotel - a beautiful hotel in the heart of the Iranian desert

Yellow Hotel was opened in Abuzidabad in 1397. This hotel is built and located on three floors and 28 rooms in 30 km of Kashan city. One of the advantages of this complex is easy access to Kashan city and tourist areas of Aran and Bidgol cities. This hotel with experienced and trained staff is proudly ready to host you dear guests.

Yallow Hotel - a beautiful hotel in the heart of the Iranian desert

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1399/06/01 @ 14:48
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5 stars

thanks dear

1399/06/03 @ 14:44

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Sarcheshmeh Saraban Natanz Park

Sarcheshmeh Natanz Park

Sarcheshmeh Saraban Natanz Park

is one of the most beautiful tourist areas of Isfahan province, which is located in Saraban area of ​​Natanz city with its pristine nature, ancient trees and abundant clear water at the foot of the eastern foothills of Gonbad Baz Mountain.
This large and valuable promenade with its beautiful natural landscapes and mountainous environments is one of the most attractive areas of the city of Natanz, which has been welcomed by most tourists, especially those interested in mountaineering and mountaineering

Sarcheshmeh Saraban Natanz Park

Sarcheshmeh Park with its paved seats on the sides of water-filled atmospheres, has provided a beautiful and pleasant environment for families to have fun and gives them indescribable tranquility to spend a good day in the lap of nature.
The existence of facilities and equipment for children to play in the area of ​​this park has provided a very pleasant and memorable environment for children to walk and have fun. The citizens of Natanzi, regardless of the hustle and bustle of the city, enjoy the beautiful and refreshing nature and spend hours in sports and entertainment.
The boiling springs that boil from the foothills of Saraban mountains, the dance of the leaves of the trees, the song of birds and the pleasant sound of the streams, depict the beautiful image of creation in front of the eyes of tourists


From the heights of this mountain promenade, the sights of the historical garden city of Natanz and beautiful landscapes such as the Grand Mosque ,Imamzadeh Roghayeh Khatun (PBUH) and the mountain of Shagard Khalifa, are presented to the visitors.
Passengers who have passed through Natanz, from the northern half of Iran to the south of the country, always remember this pleasant climate with fond memories.
The old water mill in this complex was rebuilt in 1988. Next to this oven, there is a beautiful traditional dining hall to welcome tourists and visitors

Sarcheshmeh Saraban Natanz Park

From ancient times, agriculture and horticulture in Saraban region has flourished due to the abundance of water in it. Saraban is full of large gardens that in the spring to see the blossoms of their trees dazzle the eyes of every passerby. The end of this area in the northern part leads to other green areas of the city, including Voshash and Afoshteh, and from the south to the beautiful plains of Tameh village.
In different parts of Sarcheshmeh recreational welfare complex, along with a very beautiful original design, we have facilities such as a prayer hall, shops and a large car parking lot

Sarcheshmeh Saraban Natanz Park

To access Sarcheshmeh Park, it is enough. On the Tehran-Isfahan freeway, when you reach the main exit of Natanz, enter the entrance boulevard of the city. After walking 3 km along this boulevard, you will reach the eastern entrance square of the city (Jerusalem). In this square, you will see a large and beautiful earthenware vase as a symbol of the city’s thousands of years of industry, then on the right side of the square you will enter Saraban Boulevard, after a short distance, on the left, the path and signpost will take you to Leads to the park.


Sarcheshmeh Saraban Natanz Park

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Multi-storey alley.

Today we want to introduce one of the most attractive tourist attractions in Kashan. Multi-storey alley.

Turkian Alley consists of several stepped alleys that indicate a clever architecture. If you travel to Kashan, be sure to visit its old alleys and neighborhoods and ask about Turkian Alley or the same multi-storey alley.

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Mashhad Ardahal

Mashhad Ardahal

Mashhad Ardahal is a village 30 km west of Kashan in Iran. This village is also known as Mashhad Qali(Qali means carpet)among the locals. Mashhad Ardehal is located in the neighborhood of the eastern slope of “Ardehal Peak", which is one of the highest elevations in Ardehal district of Markazi province. In this place is the building of Imamzadeh Sultan Ali Ibn Mohammad Baqir, the son of Mohammad Baqir, the fifth leader of the Shiites, who has many pilgrims.

Mashhad Ardahal

According to the narration of history, the Finn people of Kashan had sent a messenger named Amer ibn Nasser Finn to Medina to Muhammad Baqir in 113 AH and asked him to lead them. His son Sultan Ali sent Jafar Sadegh’s brother to Iran and Kashan. Imamzadeh arrived in Kashan and settled in Fin Bozorg neighborhood and in summer he went to Ardehal area due to hot weather. The situation was like this for several years until Sultan Ali Imamzadeh gained a lot of influence among the people and this caused fear in the ruler of Ardehal, who was called Zarrin Kafash. He sends an army to the region to assassinate Sultan Ali, and that Imam is finally killed in an unequal battle that lasted three days, along with his companions in the Ardehal summer region. The exact location of the killing in Darband Aznaveh is known as the massacre in the area. The Finns rush to Ardehal after hearing the news, but when they arrive when he has been killed, they wrap him in a rug and wash him in a nearby stream and bury him. Since then, every year on the second Friday of October and with the presence of thousands of Finns in Kashan, the traditional religious ritual of carpet weavers is held in this city. The sticks that people pick up on the second Friday of October every year have two narrations. The first is that it is used to wash carpets in Ardehal, Mashhad, and the second is that people take them as a sign of bloodlust.

Mashhad Ardahal

Every year in the second week of October, which is known as the end of agricultural harvest week, farmers from villages around Kashan, Mahallat and Delijan, and the cities of Tehran, etc. Farmers and pilgrims come to Mashhad Ardehal to commemorate the anniversary of the assassination of Sultan Ali bin Mohammad Baqir. And attend carpet-washing ceremonies. This ceremony is the only religious ceremony in Iran that is held according to the solar Hijri calendar and based on the year of agriculture.

Mashhad Ardahal
Mashhad Ardahal

In the narrations of the Shiite Imams, this region is also mentioned as Vardahar. Sohrab Sepehri, a contemporary Iranian poet, is also buried in the shrine of this cit

Mashhad Ardahal
Mashhad Ardahal


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