
History of Tabatabai's house

Tabatabai’s house, like other historical monuments of that time, has the originality of architecture and esign in accordance with the specific culture and climate of the region and luxurious and magnificent decorations. As soon as you step into the porch of this magnificent house, a cool, pleasant breeze will caress your face and draw you into the house. From the stairs in front of you, 20 steps down, you will reach the beautiful and spacious yard of the house. A courtyard whose stunning beauty nails your moments. The beautiful and large pond stretches from one side of the yard to the other, and the goldfish follow each other in the clear water. On either side of the large pond, six octagonal gardens full of beautiful flowers multiply the freshness of the courtyard.

History of Tabatabai's  house
History of Tabatabai's  house
History of Tabatabai's  house
History of Tabatabai's  house
History of Tabatabai's  house

This house is located near the historical house of Boroujerdi and next to the holy shrine of Imamzadeh Sultan Amir Ahmad (this tomb is also a work of art of the ninth and tenth centuries) and because the cornerstone of this house is a person named “Haj Seyed Jafar Tabatabai Natanzi” It is known as Tabatabai’s house.
Tabatabai’s house complex consists of 3 exterior sections and a crew section. Tabatabai’s historical house complex with an area of ​​4700 square meters has 40 rooms, 4 courtyards, 4 cellars (basement), 3 windbreaks and 2 aqueducts. The architecture of Tabatabai’s house is symmetrical and introverted in the style of veiled and hollow garden architecture. The architecture of the garden pit, ie the garden of the house, is located in a pit. In this way, the building becomes resistant both in terms of strength and earthquake resistance, and that it facilitates water supply to the building; In addition, the moisture of the building is used for plant growth. When the building is in the heart of the soil (that is, in the form of a garden pit), the house is also insulated with heat. The house is neither hot nor cold.

History of Tabatabai's  house

Tabatabai House Architecture
The house consists of four courtyards and a courtyard, the central courtyard belonging to the outer part and the two courtyards belonging to the inner part and one courtyard belonging to the crew.
The inner part of the house includes a simple five-door room in the center and two courtyards on either side, and there are cellars in which the air vents let the air flow, which was the residence of the family of the late Tabatabai. The courtyard on the northwest side is larger and has more rooms and has a separate reception hall. Below the inner part, especially the central room, there is a large crypt that has its own unique characteristics and for various reasons such as the presence of a windbreak, multiplicative roof, the type of materials used in the body, the double wall of the body, the pool that was previously in the center of the crypt The difference in height with the surface of the alley is about 8 to 10 meters, and the cool breeze that enters the basement from the surface of the central courtyard pond has caused a 15 to 20 degree temperature difference between the basement and outside, especially in summe

History of Tabatabai's  house

The exterior of the house includes a large hall (the king’s room) in the center with skylights and colored latticed windows and double-glazed side windows that open and close vertically. The room is decorated with paintings, mirrors, and interesting plasterwork, including gypsum lattice windows that look like delicate lace. Earring rooms are built on both sides of the royal room. In front of the royal room, a porch with interesting mirrors and beds can be seen. On the sides of the Great Hall, two backyards and a skylight have been built symmetrically, which have original paintings and are considered among the works of art of this land. Documents show that Nasser al-Din Shah Qajar’s great painter and painter, Mirza Abolhassan Ghaffari Kashani, nicknamed “Sania al-Mulk", had a close friendship with the owner of the house and family relations, so in honor of his friendship with the late Tabatabai, he performed He has supervised the plastering and painting of this house, and this greatly increases the value and credibility of the decorations of Tabatabai’s house.

History of Tabatabai's  house

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Abyaneh is an old village about 30 km from Kashan

Abyaneh is an old village about 30 km from Kashan

d Viyane means willow. (Abyaneh used to be Bidistan in the past, but over time, Viona has changed to Abyaneh.

There is no evidence that the exact date of Abyaneh is known; But it is estimated to have a history of 1,500 years and is considered one of the oldest human habitats on the edge of Iran’s desert plain. The historical monuments in Abyaneh belong to the Sassanid, Seljuk, Safavid and Qajar periods. These artifacts indicate the historical antiquity of this human habitat.

The number of Abyaneh houses in the 1981 census was estimated at 500 units. These houses are built entirely on the steep slope north of the Borzrud River. At first glance, Abyaneh looks like a multi-story village, in some cases up to four floors. The rooms are equipped with sash-like wooden windows, and often have wooden porches and terraces overlooking the narrow, dark alleys, which themselves have become interesting landscapes. The exterior of the houses is covered with red soil, the mine of which is located near the village. Since there is not enough space on the sloping slopes to build the required houses, it is customary in this village for each family to build a cave-like warehouse on the one-kilometer hills of the village, on the side of the road, not far from Abyaneh. These caves, which have been dug in the heart of the hills and whose only short, humble doors are visible from the outside, are used to keep livestock, as well as winter supplies and unnecessary items.

People are engaged in agriculture, horticulture and animal husbandry, which are managed by traditional methods. Most women work with men economically. In this village, seven aqueducts are used to irrigate fields and gardens. Wheat, barley, potatoes and various fruits, especially apples, plums, pears, apricots, almonds and walnuts are the products of this village.

In recent years, with the expansion of carpet weaving in Abyaneh, nearly 30 carpet weaving workshops have been established there. In the past, weaving was one of the most lucrative jobs for Abyaneh women, but today it is somewhat abandoned.

Abyaneh is a village on the slopes of a mountain with red straw straw facades with white arches and beautiful and wooden lattice windows. Everything you see in it has effects from the distant past. [3] And the means of communication have lived in isolation for centuries, and as a result have retained many of their traditional and ethnic customs, including their ancient language and dialect. The language of the Abyaneh people is one of the northwestern Iranian languages ​​that has undergone many changes over time, and now only a few original Pahlavi words are heard in their dialect. [4] Traditional clothing is still common among them and is preserved. They show emphasis and prejudice. For men, loose-fitting trousers are made of black fabric (running or the same as Debit, Bakhtiari men’s trousers), and for women, a long shirt is made of flowery and colorful fabrics. Abyaneh females usually wear white squirrels


Abyaneh is an old village about 30 km from Kashan
Abyaneh is an old village about 30 km from Kashan
Abyaneh is an old village about 30 km from Kashan
Abyaneh is an old village about 30 km from Kashan
Abyaneh is an old village about 30 km from Kashan
Abyaneh is an old village about 30 km from Kashan
Abyaneh is an old village about 30 km from Kashan
Abyaneh is an old village about 30 km from Kashan
Abyaneh is an old village about 30 km from Kashan
Abyaneh is an old village about 30 km from Kashan
Abyaneh is an old village about 30 km from Kashan
Abyaneh is an old village about 30 km from Kashan

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How is Kashan?

How is Kashan?

Kashan is one of the most important and famous tourist destinations in Iran and plays an important role in the country’s tourism industry. The city is more than ۷,۵۰۰   years old, and Silk Hill bears witness to this claim. In fact, Kashan is considered to be one of the oldest human settlements in history, according to historical and archeological evidence, and fortunately it has been able to preserve its historical context to this day

Therefore, the sights of Kashan are highly diverse and attractive, which are divided into two general historical-ancient, natural and traditional religious groups. Historical-ancient attractions include historical monuments such as Boroujerdi, Tabatabai, Ameri, historical bazaar, underground city, etc. Among the natural attractions of Kashan, we can mention Niasar Cave.



How is Kashan?

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Finn's Garden

Finn's Garden

One of the most beautiful and lovable sights of Kashan is Bagh-e-Fin. Finn Garden is a perfect example of Iran’s historical gardens. The eye-catching beauty of this garden has made many tourists from different countries eager to see this garden every year. Its beautiful waterfall and tall and green trees bring a relaxing and pleasant environment to everyone.
Another issue that has increased the importance of this garden for tourists and history enthusiasts is the important historical event, namely the death of Amir Kabir in 1852 in the bathroom of this garden. In general, the Finn Garden has attracted the attention of Iranian kings and leaders during most of the important historical periods, especially during the Al-Buwayh and Ilkhanid periods.


Finn's Garden
Finn's Garden

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