
Attractions of Niasar Kashan

Attractions of Niasar Kashan
Attractions of Niasar Kashan

Attractions of Niasar Kashan

Attractions of Niasar Kashan

Niasar is one of the cities of Kashan that attracts many domestic and foreign tourists every year with its many tourist attractions. When you hear the name Niasar, you may first remember the famous Niasar Falls, but you should know that this historical and ancient area has many tourist attractions that can encourage you to travel to Niasar.

Attractions of Niasar Kashan

Where is niasr

Niasar is located 20 km from Kashan on the way from Kashan to Mashhad Ardehal and is 230 km away from Tehran. The city is very popular with tourists due to its attractive tourist attractions and temperate and cool climate. The city’s steady population is 5,000, but during Nowruz and the rose-picking season it rises to an average of 5,000 a day, and in the summer, due to its mountainous climate, its population reaches 10,000.

Attractions of Niasar Kashan
Attractions of Niasar Kashan

History of Niasr
Niasar used to be an ancient village and has been mentioned in the relics of the 6th and 7th centuries. According to research on the name of this city, Niasar is a word belonging to ancient Persian, which means shade and cold, and according to the climate of this city, it is a completely eloquent name. Compared to the climate of Kashan, which has hot and dry weather, Niasar has a mountainous and cool climate and has been considered by Sassanid kings in the past for rest.

Attractions of Niasar Kashan

Historical monuments and tourist attractions of Niasar
There are many historical monuments in this city that tell the story of the ancient history of this region. Niasar’s archeological and natural monuments include the Niasar quadrangle, the Niasar waterfall, the Safavid bathhouse, the underground shelter known as the boss’s hole, the old Niasar plane trees and the adjacent shrine (which has now been turned into a mosque). In the following, we will explain each of these attractions.

Niasar quadruple
This is an ancient monument left over from the late Parthian or early Sassanid period and is one of the oldest and healthiest arches in Iran. This square, also known as the Sassanid Fire Temple, is located in the city of Niasar, near the Alexandria Spring. Although this building is known to the public as the Fire Temple, researchers consider various uses for this quadrangle, such as the sign of the path, the monument, the fire temple and the insulators of the elders. Niasar’s quadrangle is located on a cliff and stands out from the distance. This building is built as a room with 14 x 14 sides with a dome.

Attractions of Niasar Kashan
Attractions of Niasar Kashan
Attractions of Niasar Kashan

Niasar spring and waterfall

There is a historical spring in Niasar, which is known as Alexandria Spring and has clear and very cool water. In fact, all the history, antiquity and life of this ancient village have been due to the existence of this blessed spring. This spring is located a few meters below the quadrangle and is one of the oldest known springs in Iran. Niasar Waterfall, which is one of the most famous attractions of Niasar, actually originates from this historical spring. In the body of this waterfall, beautiful stalactites and stalactites can be seen, which have been created over the years due to the dissolution of calcareous rocks, and have given this waterfall a pleasing appearance. Niasar waterfall has the lowest water in autumn and the highest amount of water in spring.

Attractions of Niasar Kashan
Attractions of Niasar Kashan

Boss cave

Attractions of Niasar Kashan

Niasar Cave is one of the artificial caves created by humans and has been used in the past to perform certain religious practices. Researchers estimate that the cave dates back to the early Parthian period. The cave has three floors and there are tunnels, narrow and long corridors and several wells. The depth of these wells is so great that access to the depths of the wells is not possible without the use of modern advanced equipment. Niasar Cave has several names and is known as “Rais Cave", “Hover Weiss", and “Cave Weiss". The cave is so winding that it is not recommended to go all the way without a guide

Attractions of Niasar Kashan

Historic baths and mills
Another historical monument of Niasar is the bath and water mill, which researchers have done according to research and considering the type of architecture used in it, its antiquity is related to the Safavid era. The architecture of this bath and the way the water is transferred into the bath is very interesting and remarkable. The water from the Niasar Falls was diverted into the octagon by mud coils and from there into the bath, and then transferred to the entire bath. The fuel for the bathroom was firewood. The bathroom had a fall. The water mill is also circulated using waterfall water. The water mill worked in such a way that the water was first stored inside the furnaces, from where it was poured through a narrow coil by pressing on the mill wheel and causing the millstone to mov

Attractions of Niasar Kashan

Rose picking ceremony

Attractions of Niasar Kashan

Maybe when we talk about rose picking, we only think about Kashan city, but it is interesting to know that due to the special geographical location of Niasar, Mohammadi flowers bloom earlier than other parts of Kashan and rose watering ceremonies from mid-May to mid-June. The city is held. If you visit Niasar at this time, in addition to visiting the historical and archeological sites of this city, you can also visit the beautiful and fragrant rose-picking ceremony and bring some glass of rose water as a souvenir.

Attractions of Niasar Kashan
Attractions of Niasar Kashan


Attractions of Niasar Kashan

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