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Continue to introduce the city of Natanz

Imamzadeh Agha Ali Abbas and Prince Mohammad

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At a distance of 8 km from Badrud city and 38 km northeast of Natanz city in the heart of the desert of the tomb and the threshold of two nobles from the lineage of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) named Imamzadeh Agha Ali Abbas and Imamzadeh Mohammad (PBUH) from the children of Imam Musa Kazem (PBUH) and the brothers of Hazrat Samen Al-Imam Ali Ibn Musa Al-Reza (PBUH) and Hazrat Masoumeh (PBUH); The desert, which used to be a place of habitation, has become a place of infallibility and purity for the lovers of the Ahl al-Bayt because of these two great dignitaries.

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These two high-ranking Imamzadeh, together with Hazrat Shahcheragh (PBUH), who is buried in Shiraz and is considered by many Shiites and lovers of the House of Infallibility and Purity (PBUH), to meet his noble brother Imam Reza (PBUH). They came to Iran as can be seen in some old books. Incidentally,Imam Reza, a friend of the Ahl al-Bayt of Infallibility and Purity (PBUH), ruled Kashan and as soon as he learned of his arrival, he came to their service and took them all home and received them for seventeen days and nights. He stated that it is not in your best interest to go to Tus; Because Ma’mun Khalifa Abbasi is not credible in his speech, his words and deeds are based on the account of his royal policy, wait for the right news to arrive.

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Inevitably, they stayed around Kashan and Fin for a while; Then they moved to Yazdlan village and from there they reached Badafshan village (modern Badrud). The rulers of these areas also had the honor of the presence of these two Imamzadehs. The princes also stayed in these areas for a few days, and a large crowd joined them.
On Wednesday, the seventh of Rabi al-Awal, the year two hundred and three AH, the news of the martyrdom of Hazrat Ali ibn Musa al-Reza (as) reached him. From this news, Gadaz took off his turbans, chased his mourners and rose in mourning. The people of those areas who served the Imamzadegan arrived and offered their condolences. Forty days have passed; Then they took them to the bathroom and took off their mourning clothes; After a short stop at Badafshan Castle, they decided to return to their homeland.

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The hypocrites informed Ma’mun that the brothers of Imam Reza (as) had the will to leave, and that a large number of them had made a pact with them to come to Tus and avenge their brother’s blood. Ma’mun was terrified to hear such news and ordered an army to march on them; Wherever they find Sadat Alavi, especially the descendants of Prophet Musa ibn Ja’far (as), they will kill him.

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According to the narration, the fourteenth day of Jamadi al-Awali was the year two hundred and three AH, when the Imamzadegan were migrating from their Bedouin village, when the army of the cruelty of the accursed Ma’mun came to him and surrounded them and besieged them. They besieged the nobles for several days and nights and forbade them and their companions from water and bread. Fire-breathing razors lined up in front of him and his companions; The sleeves of oppression were raised, the companions of Jihad were martyred one by one.
It is narrated that the two nobles escaped from their Bedouin village in the middle of the night so that they could save themselves from the army of Ma’mun and return to their homeland, because they walked a little. Annan disappeared from their sight and lost his way. When the morning blew and the world became clear, they found themselves behind the fence of their target castle. It was at this moment that these two nobles said: God willing, they will return.

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The destiny of the Lord was such that they should be martyred with a hungry stomach and thirsty lips like their great ancestor Aba Abdullah Al-Hussein (PBUH). They shook hands and said goodbye. The crowds, unaware of God and not ashamed of God and the Prophet, surrounded them. The two infants of Haidar Karar’s baby attacked them like autumn winds and sent a large number of them to hell. They spent it, which surprised and disabled them, and in the end, they tried to separate the two nobles. Prince Mohammad (pbuh) attacked that congregation like a lion, destroying those miserable people by biting his fiery razor like his strange ancestor Imam Hussein (pbuh), and suddenly a cursed man came out of the ambush and struck a blow on his blessed shoulder. The Imam landed when he fell from his horse to the ground and fell on the sand of the desert. The army surrounded Nazanin’s body and tore her to pieces with a sword and a dagger and martyred her.

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So all the allied armies attacked Imam Ali (as). Because he saw the work in this way, like his ancestor Haidar Safdar, he attacked those accursed people so that he would not be able to endure the persecution due to the large number of injuries on his body and excessive bleeding. So he fell from his horse to the ground. Those accursed people with swords, spears and daggers surrounded the body of the son of the Holy Prophet (PBUH); They tore it to pieces.

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The bodies of the two imams were reportedly lying on the sands in the desert for several days and nights, and no one dared to bury them. Then the women of Khaledabad buried those holy bodies. When the men saw this, they became prejudiced and rushed to their aid, burying the two great dignitaries in a tomb that is now their luxurious court.

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The blessed existence of these two shrines, which shine in this place like a jewel in the heart of a hot and dry desert, and is the cause of goodness, blessings and prosperity of this region and makes the hearts of its sincere people proud and bright, there is no doubt that it is attributed. They are to the seventh Imam, Hazrat Musa ibn Ja’far (as), and he has always been the place of revelation and revelation of habits and taking away vows and the center of answering prayers and healing of many patients. From very far and even foreign countries, in order to meet the needs and pilgrimage of these pure dynasties, the Messenger of God (peace be upon him) has left for this court with great pomp and need, and it seems that two people in one skin and two pure souls. In a holy body, in a shrine, they are embracing the earth.

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﴿ Mr. Ali Abbas and Prince Mohammad at a glance ﴾
Name: Ali Abbas - Mohammad
Nickname: Aba Ayub - Aba Ishaq
Father: Imam Musa ibn Ja’far (as)
Mother: Umm Walad
Place of birth: Medina
Migration time to Iran: two hundred and two or three AH
Migration route: Medina, Kuwait, Basra, Ahvaz, Shiraz, Kashan, Badafshan
Martyrdom time: The fourteenth of Jamadi al-Awal, the year two hundred and three AH
Location: 38 km northwest of Natanz city center located in Badrud region

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