
Historical and tourist attractions


Abyaneh village: This village is one of the top historical villages in the country, which is located 39 km from the center of Natanz city. It was mentioned in the previous pages.

Afshteh Collection: It is located in a neighborhood of the same name in Natanz and has many historical monuments, including the tomb of Seyyed Waqif, the tomb of Mirseyyyedd, the water reservoir, the syrup house, the bath, the house of Surgah, the Grand Mosque, Hosseinieh, and so on.

The house of Surgah was destroyed

Surgah House is located in the Afshteh neighborhood of Natanz, on a hill overlooking the Afoshteh Hosseiniyah, which has a very beautiful and green view of the beautiful Afshteh neighborhood of Natanz under its feet.

Historical and tourist attractions

Tomb of Seyed Hassan Waqif

The tomb of Sayyid Hassan al-Husseini, known as Sayyid Waqif, has a high, octagonal tower with a beautiful turquoise dome, which is located on a hill overlooking the Afshteh neighborhood.

The dome of this mausoleum is in the form of an 8-sided brick tower and lacks tile and plastering decorations

Historical and tourist attractions

The bathroom is on fire

The 9th-century bathhouse, located on the 9th century AH, is located at a lower level than the alley, and by walking before the entrance and stairs, you will enter a small porch with inscriptions on the opposite wall at the entrance.

The southwest porch is about 50 cm above the floor of the portico, and in the middle of each of the three porticos is a shallow water basin with a stone wall and fountain.

Historical and tourist attractions

The syrup is poured

The fifth of these 9 beautiful and pure works is the unique syrup house. Undoubtedly, the most valuable historical monument of Natanz is undoubtedly the Timurid period.

Historical and tourist attractions

Spilled water storage

The sixth building of this neighborhood is Ab Anbar, which is the entrance of Ab Anbar with a Roman arch 8.4 meters high and a width of 5 meters. It is 200 years old

Historical and tourist attractions




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