
Qohroud (Kashan)


Qohroud (Kashan)

Qohroud (Kashan)
Total population: 736 people
Number of households: 292
Number of women: 355 people
Number of men: 381

Qohroud (Kashan)
Qohroud (Kashan)

Average population per household: 2.5 people

Economy and jobs:
According to the latest information obtained from 736 people in the village population in 2006, 278 people were equal to 37.8 percent of the employed, which we examine the employees in different economic sectors.
• Agriculture
Accordingly, 94 farmers are employed in this village, which includes 33.8% of the total employees of the village.
Accordingly, in addition to agricultural work, the villagers raise livestock in the traditional way, so that there are 15 farmers in the village.


• Kaleh Mosque and Ali Mosque (Imam Sajjad period)
This mosque has a large entrance and inlaid carvings with inscriptions and intertwined tablets on which Kufic and third lines and copies of verses from the Qur’an have been engraved.
This door and the inscriptions around it are the oldest historical works that have been left intact in Kashan.
The walls around this plateau and the gate are also decorated with six-pointed star tiles with Quranic verses written in the margins. Also, the altar of the mosque is covered with the same type of tile and the date 736 is read on the tile slab above it. Another historical monument of Qohroud Shah Abbasi Caravanserai is where it remained in its original form with a few changes and its rooms are used.
In the coming days, the rest of the historical monuments of this beautiful village will be introduced.

Qohroud (Kashan)
Qohroud (Kashan)

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