
The city of Natanz

The city of Natanz

The city of Natanz is one of the historical and central gardens of Iran, which is located in Isfahan province, in the middle of the Kashan-Isfahan road, on the slopes of the Karkas mountain and in the northwest of Ardestan. Access to the city of Natanz is possible through the old Kashan Natanz and Isfahan Natanz roads, as well as the Tehran-Natanz-Isfahan freeway and the Tehran-South transit road.

The city of Natanz

In the book “Al-Ansab", Samaani, like Yaghoot Hamavi in the book “Ma’jam Al-Baldan", has introduced Natanz as “Bladeh", meaning a small city in Isfahan. Natanz is a mixture of the Avestan words “na” or “no” (negative letter) and “tonj” meaning big and strong, and in general Natanz means “not so big and wide city” or “blade". It is said that the other root of the name of the city of Natanz is the Avestan word “Tanj” meaning a city with abundant water, Natanz is known as “the city of Tang or the city of Ghoncheh".

The city of Natanz

Elsewhere in Natanz, the city is famous for its lush greenery and mountainous landscape, and for many years it has been a safe haven for caravans passing through for sightseeing, pilgrimage and trade, and its God-given blessings such as springs, pleasant weather and Its pleasant nature, along with the hospitality and warmth of the people of this land, which is a common feature of the people of Iran, has provided the grounds for the comfort and tranquility of tourists throughout history.

The city of Natanz

Language: The language of the people of Natanz is one of the ancient dialects of Iranian languages. Their dialect is somewhat similar to that of the people of Isfahan, and at the same time has its own unique characteristics in terms of the pronunciation of words and sentences. In the villages of Natanz and its various parts, we see that people are pronouncing words in the pronunciation and pronunciation of each of them in a special way, and sometimes the dialect of some of the city’s elders is not available to others. The mood of the people of this city is completely different from that of Isfahan and the surrounding cities. In some parts of Natanz, however, the Raji dialect was used in ancient times.

The city of Natanz

Clothing: Regarding the clothing of the people of Natanz, it should be said that today, except for Abyaneh (the last village planted in the Borzrud River), which still has a large part of its past culture, other places are common.

The city of Natanz
The city of Natanz
The city of Natanz

In the future, we will publish more about the customs of the people of Natanz and its historical and religious monuments. Wait and follow us …




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