
Underground city in Noshabad

Underground city in Noshabad
Underground city in Noshabad
Underground city in Noshabad
Underground city in Noshabad

We travel, follow in the footsteps of the Iranian civilization, and set out for the Sialk Hills, a 7,000-year-old historical narrator, and reach a city: the underground city of Noshabad, the capital of Anushirvan, one of the Sassanid kings located 10 km from Kashan. And it is located under the old texture of Aran and Bidgol cities and on the Sialk Hills, which showcases the art of architectural manipulation from Seljuk to Qajar. This city was discovered as the largest handicraft architecture in the world in 2004 and was registered in the list of national heritage of the country in 2006 with the number 15816. But what is the story of this underground city? Join us to unravel the mystery of Noushabad

Underground city in Noshabad


It is interesting to note that these underground structures were discovered accidentally by a person who was trying to dig a well in his house, and to enter it, due to not finding the main entrance, from the reservoir that is adjacent to this underground city. Was used.

Underground city in Noshabad

Ali Akbar Dehkhoda considered Noushabad as the root of “Anousheh” meaning immortal and immortal, and from there he mentioned it as a city that is happy and prosperous and has an eternal psyche. This building has three floors at a depth of 4 to 18 meters. The land was built and is about 1,800 years old, of which only parts are accessible today

Underground city in Noshabad
Underground city in Noshabad

Let’s learn more about this city. Its underground city in Noshabad has a dense and complex structure with narrow and nested corridors and small rooms under the old texture of the city and has progressed to the current level of the city.

Underground city in Noshabad

n Dehkhoda’s dictionary, “Ovi” is a word that is placed in the Kashani dialect equivalent to “Aha” in Persian. The name implies that in terms of the nested structure and the darkness of the underground city, in ancient times people called each other loudly to find each other with the word “Ovi".

Underground city in Noshabad

The first floor was, in fact, the corridors and corridors used to mislead potential pursuers.

The second and third floors have been used for shelter and living in times of danger and food storage.

In addition, several entrances to the lower city have been identified, many of which have been blocked by floods in recent years.

Underground city in Noshabad

The city has winding corridors, small and large rooms, defensive and defensive traps that were allegedly used during the enemy’s invasion. The area of the city has been extensive due to the connection between its neighborhoods and the protection of people’s lives and property in times of insecurity, and has spread to both horizontal and vertical levels. It is not bad to know that this city was also used for the security of the people during the Mongol invasion.

Underground city in Noshabad

The city air conditioning system is one of its unique features. The beginning of the city’s canals from the ground and their U-shaped structure, in addition to the passage of people in times of insecurity, also caused the entry and exit of air and the delicacy used in the construction of this city whose walls are next to the aqueduct to the air Cool is also one of the architectural wonders of the city of Ovi.

Underground city in Noshabad
Underground city in Noshabad

Noshabad is one of the most amazing underground cities in the world, which annually hosts a large number of tourists from inside and outside the country. Have you been one of those tourists who have visited the city or have never seen Noshabad up close? How much do you recommend visiting this city to others? We look forward to hearing from you.


Underground city in Noshabad
Underground city in Noshabad

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