
Underground city in Noshabad

Underground city in Noshabad
Underground city in Noshabad
Underground city in Noshabad
Underground city in Noshabad

We travel, follow in the footsteps of the Iranian civilization, and set out for the Sialk Hills, a 7,000-year-old historical narrator, and reach a city: the underground city of Noshabad, the capital of Anushirvan, one of the Sassanid kings located 10 km from Kashan. And it is located under the old texture of Aran and Bidgol cities and on the Sialk Hills, which showcases the art of architectural manipulation from Seljuk to Qajar. This city was discovered as the largest handicraft architecture in the world in 2004 and was registered in the list of national heritage of the country in 2006 with the number 15816. But what is the story of this underground city? Join us to unravel the mystery of Noushabad

Underground city in Noshabad


It is interesting to note that these underground structures were discovered accidentally by a person who was trying to dig a well in his house, and to enter it, due to not finding the main entrance, from the reservoir that is adjacent to this underground city. Was used.

Underground city in Noshabad

Ali Akbar Dehkhoda considered Noushabad as the root of “Anousheh” meaning immortal and immortal, and from there he mentioned it as a city that is happy and prosperous and has an eternal psyche. This building has three floors at a depth of 4 to 18 meters. The land was built and is about 1,800 years old, of which only parts are accessible today

Underground city in Noshabad
Underground city in Noshabad

Let’s learn more about this city. Its underground city in Noshabad has a dense and complex structure with narrow and nested corridors and small rooms under the old texture of the city and has progressed to the current level of the city.

Underground city in Noshabad

n Dehkhoda’s dictionary, “Ovi” is a word that is placed in the Kashani dialect equivalent to “Aha” in Persian. The name implies that in terms of the nested structure and the darkness of the underground city, in ancient times people called each other loudly to find each other with the word “Ovi".

Underground city in Noshabad

The first floor was, in fact, the corridors and corridors used to mislead potential pursuers.

The second and third floors have been used for shelter and living in times of danger and food storage.

In addition, several entrances to the lower city have been identified, many of which have been blocked by floods in recent years.

Underground city in Noshabad

The city has winding corridors, small and large rooms, defensive and defensive traps that were allegedly used during the enemy’s invasion. The area of the city has been extensive due to the connection between its neighborhoods and the protection of people’s lives and property in times of insecurity, and has spread to both horizontal and vertical levels. It is not bad to know that this city was also used for the security of the people during the Mongol invasion.

Underground city in Noshabad

The city air conditioning system is one of its unique features. The beginning of the city’s canals from the ground and their U-shaped structure, in addition to the passage of people in times of insecurity, also caused the entry and exit of air and the delicacy used in the construction of this city whose walls are next to the aqueduct to the air Cool is also one of the architectural wonders of the city of Ovi.

Underground city in Noshabad
Underground city in Noshabad

Noshabad is one of the most amazing underground cities in the world, which annually hosts a large number of tourists from inside and outside the country. Have you been one of those tourists who have visited the city or have never seen Noshabad up close? How much do you recommend visiting this city to others? We look forward to hearing from you.



Underground city in Noshabad
Underground city in Noshabad

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Attractions of Niasar Kashan

Attractions of Niasar Kashan
Attractions of Niasar Kashan

Attractions of Niasar Kashan

Attractions of Niasar Kashan

Niasar is one of the cities of Kashan that attracts many domestic and foreign tourists every year with its many tourist attractions. When you hear the name Niasar, you may first remember the famous Niasar Falls, but you should know that this historical and ancient area has many tourist attractions that can encourage you to travel to Niasar.

Attractions of Niasar Kashan

Where is niasr

Niasar is located 20 km from Kashan on the way from Kashan to Mashhad Ardehal and is 230 km away from Tehran. The city is very popular with tourists due to its attractive tourist attractions and temperate and cool climate. The city’s steady population is 5,000, but during Nowruz and the rose-picking season it rises to an average of 5,000 a day, and in the summer, due to its mountainous climate, its population reaches 10,000.

Attractions of Niasar Kashan
Attractions of Niasar Kashan

History of Niasr
Niasar used to be an ancient village and has been mentioned in the relics of the 6th and 7th centuries. According to research on the name of this city, Niasar is a word belonging to ancient Persian, which means shade and cold, and according to the climate of this city, it is a completely eloquent name. Compared to the climate of Kashan, which has hot and dry weather, Niasar has a mountainous and cool climate and has been considered by Sassanid kings in the past for rest.

Attractions of Niasar Kashan

Historical monuments and tourist attractions of Niasar
There are many historical monuments in this city that tell the story of the ancient history of this region. Niasar’s archeological and natural monuments include the Niasar quadrangle, the Niasar waterfall, the Safavid bathhouse, the underground shelter known as the boss’s hole, the old Niasar plane trees and the adjacent shrine (which has now been turned into a mosque). In the following, we will explain each of these attractions.

Niasar quadruple
This is an ancient monument left over from the late Parthian or early Sassanid period and is one of the oldest and healthiest arches in Iran. This square, also known as the Sassanid Fire Temple, is located in the city of Niasar, near the Alexandria Spring. Although this building is known to the public as the Fire Temple, researchers consider various uses for this quadrangle, such as the sign of the path, the monument, the fire temple and the insulators of the elders. Niasar’s quadrangle is located on a cliff and stands out from the distance. This building is built as a room with 14 x 14 sides with a dome.

Attractions of Niasar Kashan
Attractions of Niasar Kashan
Attractions of Niasar Kashan

Niasar spring and waterfall

There is a historical spring in Niasar, which is known as Alexandria Spring and has clear and very cool water. In fact, all the history, antiquity and life of this ancient village have been due to the existence of this blessed spring. This spring is located a few meters below the quadrangle and is one of the oldest known springs in Iran. Niasar Waterfall, which is one of the most famous attractions of Niasar, actually originates from this historical spring. In the body of this waterfall, beautiful stalactites and stalactites can be seen, which have been created over the years due to the dissolution of calcareous rocks, and have given this waterfall a pleasing appearance. Niasar waterfall has the lowest water in autumn and the highest amount of water in spring.

Attractions of Niasar Kashan
Attractions of Niasar Kashan

Boss cave

Attractions of Niasar Kashan

Niasar Cave is one of the artificial caves created by humans and has been used in the past to perform certain religious practices. Researchers estimate that the cave dates back to the early Parthian period. The cave has three floors and there are tunnels, narrow and long corridors and several wells. The depth of these wells is so great that access to the depths of the wells is not possible without the use of modern advanced equipment. Niasar Cave has several names and is known as “Rais Cave", “Hover Weiss", and “Cave Weiss". The cave is so winding that it is not recommended to go all the way without a guide

Attractions of Niasar Kashan

Historic baths and mills
Another historical monument of Niasar is the bath and water mill, which researchers have done according to research and considering the type of architecture used in it, its antiquity is related to the Safavid era. The architecture of this bath and the way the water is transferred into the bath is very interesting and remarkable. The water from the Niasar Falls was diverted into the octagon by mud coils and from there into the bath, and then transferred to the entire bath. The fuel for the bathroom was firewood. The bathroom had a fall. The water mill is also circulated using waterfall water. The water mill worked in such a way that the water was first stored inside the furnaces, from where it was poured through a narrow coil by pressing on the mill wheel and causing the millstone to mov

Attractions of Niasar Kashan

Rose picking ceremony

Attractions of Niasar Kashan

Maybe when we talk about rose picking, we only think about Kashan city, but it is interesting to know that due to the special geographical location of Niasar, Mohammadi flowers bloom earlier than other parts of Kashan and rose watering ceremonies from mid-May to mid-June. The city is held. If you visit Niasar at this time, in addition to visiting the historical and archeological sites of this city, you can also visit the beautiful and fragrant rose-picking ceremony and bring some glass of rose water as a souvenir.

Attractions of Niasar Kashan
Attractions of Niasar Kashan



Attractions of Niasar Kashan

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The tomb of Mohtasham Kashani

The tomb of Mohtasham Kashani

Mohtasham Kashani (905 AH in Kashan - 996 AH in Kashan) was a Persian poet of the 10th century AH and in the same period as Shah Tahmasb I of Safavid dynasty. The main occupation of Mohtasham was Bazazi and Sharabafi, and he lived all his life in Kashan and died there. His tomb in this city - located in Mohtasham neighborhood - is a public shrine.
The tomb of Mohtasham Kashani

His death took place in 996 AH. His tomb is in one of the central neighborhoods of Kashan, called Mohtasham Alley. The composition of the famous ward of the martyrs of Karbala made him immortal and famous. Mohtasham Tomb, which is a beloved and romantic shrine of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) today, has a small dome decorated with beautiful tiles. On the four walls on the side of the tomb, there are pieces of his famous white line in the Nastaliq script on a crimson background.
The tomb of Mohtasham Kashani

Biography of Mohtasham Kashani

Mohtasham Kashani, a famous Iranian poet who was born in the 10th century AH in the city of Kashan, his real name was Kamaluddin Ali Mohtasham Kashani and he was called Shams Al-Shoarai Kashani. He died on the date of Rabi al-Awal in 996 AH in the city of Kashan. Later, the tomb of this poet was respected by many people. His father’s name was Khajeh Mir Ahmad. He studied religious and literary sciences during his adolescence. He also studied the poems of various Iranian poets. He mostly wrote poems about the suffering of Shiite Imams, and his poems were more ideological for Safavid kings.

The tomb of Mohtasham Kashani

The most famous Shiite poet

Among Shiite supporters, “What a revolt …” written by “Mohtasham Kashani” has a special place. After Mohtasham, a large number of poets used this composition in their laments and poems. Mohtasham Kashani studied poetic techniques with Sedghi Astarabadi (a resident of Kashan). Also, Mohtasham himself brought up students such as: Sari Savoji, Horror Joshaghani, Hasrati Kashani, Taghiuddin Mohammad Hosseini, who is the author of “Summary of Poetry".

The tomb of Mohtasham Kashani

After composing the lament of the martyrs of Karbala in twelve verses, he was able to gain a high position in lamenting it. The first paragraph of his famous verse is “What kind of revolt is there in the creation of the universe? / What kind of mourning and what kind of
mourning and what kind of mourning is this?”

The tomb of Mohtasham Kashani

As a young man, Mohtasham Kashani was able to enter the court of Shah Tahmasb Safavid in his youth, and despite his beautiful poems and lyric poems, he was favored by Shah Tahmasb. His name later became one of the most famous poets of his time. He had religious beliefs, as well as Shiite sentiments at the court of the Safavid kings to strengthen the Shiite religion against Sunni religions.

The tomb of Mohtasham Kashani

Mohtasham Kashani was able to compose religious poems and the hardships of the Ahl al-Bayt’s life, which were new and new in their kind at the time. After a while, Mohtasham Kashani became one of the greatest Iranian poets who wrote poetry in the style of religious poetry and the sufferings of the Shiite Ahl al-Bayt. Mohtasham’s poems gained special fame throughout Iran. In such a way that Mohtasham Kashani should be named the most famous poet in the field of lamentation in Iran. For the first time, he was able to create a new style of composing religious poetry. The first religious poem that Mohtasham sang was in mourning the loss of his brother. He composed beautiful verses for the grief of Hajar’s brother. After that, he started composing mourning songs for the event of Karbala’s life, various misfortunes and the Ashura event of Hosseini.


The tomb of Mohtasham Kashani

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Kashan historical bazaar

Kashan historical bazaar

Kashan historical bazaar

This bazaar has been highly regarded by tourists and historians of its time in different periods, so that each of them has mentioned it with many definitions and descriptions, such as the author of the book Zinat al-Majalis, who says: That market is almost two thousand years old. ». During the reign of Shah Abbas I, in the middle of the Grand Bazaar, four detailed bazaars called the Caesarea, including the estates of several decaquinas and excellent caravanserais, were built in a beautiful style.

After the construction of the building, the two beauties made history

May his survival be eternal with the survival of Omar Asif

Kashan historical bazaar

General map of Kashan market

During the successive travels of Shah Abbas I and his successors to that city, the Grand Bazaar and the square connected to it, it was the first celebration and lighting center and a place for night entertainment and a royal feast. As Sir Sherwani Sherley, an Englishman who went to Kashan with him on one of Shah Abbas I’s travels, says the following about the receptions held in the bazaar:

At about ten o’clock, the king sent Adam to come to him, and we went to the market, which is in the middle of the city and is a very beautiful place. They did, and the celebration and the lights were so glorious that we were all amazed. After that detailed fireworks and so on. . . After the show, they played drums and drums.

Among them, the French Tavernier writes:

Kashan Bazaar is very beautiful and covered with good rooms, and the caravanserais are big and comfortable. One of them is especially great, located near Baghshah Dolatkhaneh.

The author of Tazkereh Haft Eghlim also says:

Aswaq Kashan is full of bridesmaids and the right to the sweetness and purity of the city in all of Iran but not the urban world. However, due to the earthquake of 1192 AH. ق. The luxurious and majestic bazaar, like other magnificent buildings in the city, was destroyed and destroyed.

And according to Sabahi Bidgoli:

The alley and its bazaar became so dilapidated that no one could tell which one and which one.

Even due to the heavy casualties inflicted on the residents, the high-quality properties of the bazaar and the ruined houses of the city were often considered unknown

Kashan historical bazaar
Kashan historical bazaar

During the long reign of Shah Qajar, as a result of the stability of the political situation and the development of local industries, large and interesting buildings of caravanserai and Timcheh and numerous bazaars along the Grand Bazaar were built and paid for, as in 1252 by Eugene Flandin. ق. Kashan wrote in his travelogue:

In the last century, the city was completely destroyed and its buildings destroyed. The buildings that are being considered today are the bazaars, caravanserais and baths.

Kashan historical bazaar

The most important buildings of the last century that were built in the bazaar were the new Mesgari bazaar and Farrokh Khan Amin al-Dawla Ghaffari, which in terms of good design and excellent design, in terms of market width and ceiling height and other benefits in all of Iran has not been like. Throughout the bazaar, from the government gate (or the current municipal square) to Feyz Square and in front of the square mosque on both sides, more than one hundred and twenty large shops were built with front porch, attic and upper balcony, and several caravanserais between the shops. Extensively opposite each other, they had built a situation with high, roofed roofs, with the end of each shop facing the courtyard of the caravanserais, with windows and skylights.

Kashan historical bazaar
Kashan historical bazaar

Famous Timcheh Bazaar of Kashan (Timcheh Amin Al-Dawlah)

After the death of Farrokh Khan (1288), the new bazaar of the blacksmiths was destroyed and destroyed. The large and historic side, which remained intact at the entrance to the government gate, was demolished to make way for the municipal square.


Some parts of the market have been assigned to certain guilds, and the most important guild markets in Kashan have been the markets for coppersmithing, dyeing, goldsmithing, shoemaking, and the string market. Especially the copper market, which had not lost its global importance until the first half of the present century, according to Professor Edward Brown.

The Kashan Copper Bazaar is one of the most spectacular places in the Orient with the constant sound of hammering on copper, and the furnaces where copper turns red.

Kashan historical bazaar
Kashan historical bazaar

The location and center of Zarabkhaneh Shahr was located in the upper part of the bazaar near the Maidan Mosque, which is still known as Zarabkhaneh. Among the prehistoric monuments of the Safavid era (the reign of the kings of the Agh Qavinlu dynasty) that can now be seen in the Kashan bazaar is a pair of large wooden doors known as the coals located in the middle of the Mesgarha bazaar. In order to benefit the creators, he founded his foundation in the year eight hundred and eighty-eight. In addition to the large bazaar in the middle of the city, from the government gate (or the municipal square) to the perimeter of Kamal al-Molk Square, which is almost in the center of the city and along the current bazaar, there were many small and large bazaars in remote areas. Some of them have been completely destroyed due to the passage of time and the construction of urban streets, and others that have more or less remained unimportant. One of the great and famous old bazaars, commonly called the Passage (abbreviation for Passage), is: “The Babooli Pass, which used to have about a hundred shops.
Kashan historical bazaar
Kashan historical bazaar

Kashan Bazaar Complex is one of the most prosperous and glorious markets in Iran, which had a high peak and prosperity during the Safavid period. Especially during the reign of Shah Abbas I, there were many tourists who visited this market and traded. During the Qajar period, the Kashan bazaar maintained its glory and grandeur, but after that it gradually flourished. Kashan’s current bazaar is built on the remains of an old bazaar and is in fact the handiwork of Qajar architects. Especially the architects of the time of Fath Ali Shah, who built it in its modern form. If you pass by Kashan Bazaar, in addition to the main line where coppersmiths, goldsmiths, shoemakers and bazaars are located, you will find several bazaars of Mianchal, Malek, Zarabkhaneh and Rangarges, mosques, Baqa, caravanserais, Timchehs, baths and water reservoirs. Each of them was built in a specific period. In this market, “Mianchal” is the main center of the market, which, unlike other models, does not have a linear shape. This complex includes various elements such as Timcheh, Sara, Ab Anbar and Madrasa Madrasa. But the attractions of Kashan Bazaar do not end here. This bazaar has caravanserais, the most famous of which are the charcoal caravanserai, the new caravanserai and the Mir Panj. Merchants who came to Kashan Bazaar usually stayed in these caravanserais because it was close to the main gate of the city and played an important role in the city’s economic exchanges.
Kashan historical bazaar


Kashan historical bazaar
Kashan historical bazaar
Kashan historical bazaar
Kashan historical bazaar
Kashan historical bazaar
Kashan historical bazaar
Kashan historical bazaar
Kashan historical bazaar
Kashan historical bazaar
Kashan historical bazaar

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History of the American House


History of the American House
- When will the construction of the Ameri House return?
The construction of the Ameri House dates back to the reign of Karim Khan Zand. This historic house was built before the earthquake of 1192 AH, so after this earthquake, various parts of it were destroyed. The Ameri House was rebuilt during the Qajar period, and during the reconstruction, parts of the house were destroyed and parts added to it.


History of the American House



- Who were the owners of the Ameri House?
During the Zandi period, the main owner of the Ameri House was Ibrahim Khan Kalantar. Long after, when the city of Kashan was besieged by Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar, Al-Saltanah shares, which were of Arab origin, came to the aid of the ruler of Kashan and protected the city against the attack of Agha Mohammad Khan. For this reason, the ruler of Kashan gave him this house to appreciate the shares of Al-Saltanah. After the death of Al-Saltanah shares, the main mansions and courtyards of the house were inherited by his eldest son, Ibrahim Khalil Khan Ameri, and the rest of the house to other family members. After that, this house is known as the house of the Americans.


History of the American House



History of the American House
History of the American House
History of the American House
History of the American House



 - The size of the Ameri house

The first device you will need to visit the Ameri House is its map. The reason is that most of the historical houses in Kashan have very large and complex rooms, courtyards and corridors that you will definitely get lost without a map. The historic complex of the Ameri House includes a number of separate houses that face each other and have a total area of between 7,000 and 9,000 square meters


History of the American House


  Architectural features of Ameri House
The architecture of the Ameri House is based on the style of the garden pit and the central courtyard. In all the courtyards of this house, there is a pond and a circulation of water flow, which makes the desert heat of Kashan city not annoying for the residents of the house in summer. One of the unique features of Ameri House is the existence of underground routes. These routes are in the form of underground corridors and are located in the eastern part of the emperor’s section. These corridors are the only route that connects the two parts of the Ameri Hous







- What are the parts of the interior of the Ameri House?
Ameri House is one of the oldest historical houses in Kashan, whose interior space consists of separate buildings that are adjacent to each other. The building includes 85 rooms, 3 houses and 5 central courtyards. One of the outstanding features of Ameri House is the luxurious interior design and decoration of the rooms. It goes without saying that the windbreak of Ameri House is the tallest windbreak among other houses in Kashan. It should also be noted that inside the rooms of this house, prominent Iranian art such as Mogharnas work,

.painting on plaster, engraving on wood and other decorative arts can be seen



History of the American House


 Outstanding features of Ameri House

meri House is one of the most popular houses in Kashan due to the beautiful architecture and art used in its construction. It goes without saying that the Ameri House is different from other historical houses in Kashan due to its separate baths for men and women. These baths, which are architecturally simpler than other historical baths in Kashan, were built for the residents of the Ameri House and were not for public use. Because this house was only one hundred meters away from the historic bath of Sultan Amir Ahmad.

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